How to Interview Someone with Dementia

Updated June 2023

Recording and preserving the life stories, lessons, and memories of our loved ones is a meaningful endeavor, especially when dealing with dementia. This article aims to raise awareness by providing valuable tips for interviewing someone with dementia. Whether you are a family member capturing stories or a caregiver working with residents, these tips will help facilitate successful interviews. 

Body Language:

  • Sit, don’t stand. Sitting creates a more comfortable and less confrontational environment. 
  • Maintain an open posture. To convey comfort and ease, face the person with your chest forward, avoiding crossed arms or legs. 
  • Maintain eye contact. Non-staring eye contact demonstrates your investment in the conversation. 
  • Show facial expressions. Displaying emotion while listening helps the interviewee feel genuinely heard.
  • For more great tips on non-verbal communication, check out 

Interview Structure:

  • Keep questions concise. Dementia affects the brain’s ability to process new information, so asking short, straightforward questions is best. 
  • Avoid complex questions. Steer clear of multifaceted or context-heavy questions, breaking them into separate topics to ease comprehension. 
  • Allow breathing room. Start and end the interview with casual conversation, providing comfort or leaving on a positive note. 
  • As with any patient, you’ll want to build rapport. For some great tips, visit


  • Consider the time of day. Schedule the interview when the person is most likely awake and alert, according to their routine. 
  • Create a familiar setting. Choose an intentional location for the interviewee, as it helps them feel more comfortable and aids memory recall

Interviewing individuals living with dementia requires preparation, patience, and empathy. Despite the challenges, the value of gaining insights into how that person is is a valuable endeavor. Applying the tips in this article can create a more comfortable and engaging interview experience, ensuring that precious memories are captured and cherished. If you want to learn more about cognitive stimulation for individuals with Dementia or Alzheimer’s, visit Fit Minds, a TSOLife company. 

Remember, each interview is an opportunity to celebrate and honor the lives of those affected by dementia.

Published by TSOLife

TSOLife is a technology company that provides innovative solutions to the senior living industry. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for both residents and staff by simplifying processes and creating more meaningful connections within communities. By using cutting-edge technology, we help our clients create a more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable environment for everyone involved. With a team of dedicated professionals, TSOLife is committed to delivering the highest standard of customer service and delivering the best possible experience for our clients.

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