ASHA Session Recap 2023: The Next Frontier–Integrated Technology That Drives Insights

The session was a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of technology in senior living and its role in driving insights. The panelists also shared valuable information on the critical considerations for operators when evaluating technology solutions.

Right at the start of the session, it was clear that operators in the senior living industry are looking for technology solutions that improve the resident and staff experience. The panel discussed the importance of having a product roadmap that includes integration and the critical role of a strong customer success team in successfully implementing new technology. Vendors were encouraged to act as “true” partners and be willing to listen and evolve to meet the needs of their clients better. It’s hard not to brag, but TSOLife offers a group of talented customer service professionals that work through a detailed onboarding with new partners and ongoing personal support calls throughout the lifetime of the partnership. 

Data was also a significant theme of the discussion, with the panel stressing the importance of viewing data as an asset and the need for vendors to work together to overcome the challenges of data silos. As the industry and technology continue to grow, the demand for connecting data will be ever more critical for understanding resident needs and desires, helping the transition to a community as exciting as going to college, my words, not theirs. Making your data communicate could be the difference between knowing how your communities are operating and not. The panel also advised operators and vendors to start with a pilot before fully adopting new technologies.

In conclusion, the session was a great reminder of the importance of integrated technology in the senior living industry and the need for a collaborative approach between operators and vendors to improve the resident experience. We left the conference inspired and grateful for the opportunity to participate in this critical conversation.

The session’s highlight for our team was a quote from Brenda Connelly: “We need to know our residents better when they move in. “This statement encapsulated the core focus of the session–and how the technology should look to better the lives of the residents on day one and provide our staff with insights they can quickly and easily leverage to make their lives better. Knowing we offer the best AI platform, which starts with simplifying the intake and provides crucial insights that lead to an overall higher quality of life, it’s been a challenge not to stand up and let everyone know TSOLife is already fulfilling our partner’s needs. 

I’ll also be looking forward to attending next year’s annual event! 

Published by TSOLife

TSOLife is a technology company that provides innovative solutions to the senior living industry. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for both residents and staff by simplifying processes and creating more meaningful connections within communities. By using cutting-edge technology, we help our clients create a more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable environment for everyone involved. With a team of dedicated professionals, TSOLife is committed to delivering the highest standard of customer service and delivering the best possible experience for our clients.

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